Python program to append/add or update key-value pairs in a dictionary. Check these five different examples.
ReadC++ program to find if n factorial is divisible by the sum of first n numbers or not. This program will take the value of n as input from the user and print the result.
ReadC program to reverse a string without using any library function. It will iterate through the characters of the string one by one and create the string.
ReadPython program to append a string to a list in two different ways. We will use + operator and append() method in this post.
ReadC# program to find the circumference of a circle. We will learn two different ways to find the circumference.
ReadLearn how to use fork in C. fork() is a system call and this method creates one new process. The new process is called child process and the original process is called parent process.
ReadC program to check if a character is uppercase or not without using a library function in two different ways.
ReadDifferent ways to remove commas from a string in Python. Learn how to remove commas by using the replace method and by using a regular expression.
ReadPython string replace method is used to replace substrings in a string. This post will show you how to use string replace method with examples.
ReadPython program to create a list of alternate element from another list. We will learn three different ways to create the alternate element list.