Python program to convert inch to centimeter. We will learn two different ways to convert a user-given inch value to centimeter in Python.
ReadC# isNullOrEmpty method is used to check if a string is null or empty. Learn how to use isNullOrEmpty in C# with examples.
ReadC# DivRem method is used to find the quotient and reminder of two numbers. Learn how to use DivRem with examples.
ReadC++ program to find LCM of two numbers using a separate function. We will write one separate function to find the lcm and this will return the lcm.
ReadC program to find the LCM or lowest common multiple of two numbers. This post will show you two different ways to do that.
Reademplace_back method is defined in std vector of C++. This post will show you how to use this method with example.
ReadLearn how to reset a scanner in Java by using the reset() method. We will learn the definition of reset() method with example.
ReadLearn how to find the cube of a number in Java in two different ways. The program will take the number as input from the user and print the cube.
ReadLearn how to convert hours to seconds in Python. It will take the hours value as input from the user and convert it to seconds.
ReadPython program to convert a date to ISO8601 format. isoformat() method is provided to convert a datetime object to ISO8601 in android.