nanosleep method is used to pause the execution of a program for specific amount of time. Learn how to use nanosleep with example.
ReadC program to delete an empty directory. This program will take the directory name as input from the user and delete it if it exists.
ReadC program to convert hour to minute and seconds values. It will take the hour value as input from the user and print the minute and seconds value.
ReadJava program to convert a boolean array to string array. We will use String.valueOf and Boolean.toString methods to do the conversion.
ReadJava HashMap.merge() method is used to merge an item to an existing HashMap in Java. Learn how to use HashMap.merge() method with example.
ReadJava program to reverse an array without using an additional array or learn how to do in place array reverse in Java.
ReadJava program to sort elements of an array by frequency. This program will sort the numbers in descending order.
ReadC program to print all words in a string ends with a specific character. The string and the character is given.
ReadLearn how to use strtok function in C to split a string. strtok is defined in string.h header file and this is used to split a string.
ReadLearn how to use strstr in C with example. strstr method is used to find the first occurrence of a string in another string.