
C program to find the perimeter of a rectangle

C program to find the perimeter of a rectangle with user-input values. We will learn how to find the perimeter by using a separate function or without using a separate function.


C++ program to add the content of two arrays

C++ program to add the contents of two arrays. It will fill these arrays with user input values, find out the sum of its values and print it to the user.


C program to print the current date-time in different formats

C program to print the current date and month and year. It will show you how to print the date in DD-MM-YYYY and the current time in HH:MM:SS format


C program to subtract two user input numbers

C program to subtract two user input numbers. This program will take the numbers as inputs from the user, subtract one from another and print the result.


C++ program to find the area of a rectangle

Learn how to find the rectangle area in C++ in different ways. This program will take the length and breadth of the rectangle as inputs from the user and calculate the rectangle area.


C program to find the distance between two cities in different units

Find the distance between two cities in C in different units. The distance is given in kilometers. Convert it to inches, centimeter, feet and meters.


Java program to check if a number is a composite number or not

Learn how to check if a number is a composite number or not in Java. Also, learn how to find all composite numbers in a given range in Java.


Python program to check if a number is a magic number or not

Learn how to check if a number is a magic number or not in Python. The program will check one single number and find out all magic numbers in a range.


10 different alphabet pattern programs in C

10 different alphabet pattern programs in C. Learn how to print these patterns in C with example programs for each pattern in this post.


Java program to check if a number is a special number or not

Java program to check if a number is a special number or not. This post will show you how to check for a special number with or without using a separate function and with a user-input number.
