Python program to convert a celsius value to Fahrenheit and Fahrenheit value to celsius. The program will take the value as input from the user and print the converted value.
ReadC++ program to print the days of the week by using switch statement. We will learn how to write this program with a switch statement and by using a separate function with user input values.
ReadJava program to add, subtract, multiply and divide using switch case in two different ways. The program will take the numbers as input from the user.
Read3 different ways in C to print the multiplication table. We will learn how to print the multiplication table using do...while loop, print up to a given limit or by using a separate function.
ReadLearn how to print an inverted pyramid in three different ways in C. We will use for loops, while loops and a separate function to print the pattern with star.
ReadLearn how to print the grade of a student in 3 different ways. We will learn how to use if-else statements, a separate function and macros to print the grade of a student.
Read3 different c programs to print the odd numbers between 1 to 100. We will learn how to use for loop, while loop and a different function to print all odd numbers between 1 to 100.
ReadLearn how to find the roots of a quadratic equation in Kotlin in two different ways. We will use if-else conditions and when block to find the roots with user input values.
ReadLearn how to use Kotlin enum with string values. We will learn two different ways how to create Kotlin enum from string values and how to search for Kotlin enum by string value.
ReadLearn what is interpolation of string in Kotlin with examples. We will learn how to use Kotlin interpolation with different types of variables and with functions.