Java util Arrays deepEquals method explanation with examples. Learn how to use deepEquals method to compare two arrays and the difference between deepEquals and equals.
ReadJava util Arrays binarySearch method explanation with examples. By using this method, we can search for an element in an array by using binary search algorithm.
ReadC program to check if a number is Armstrong number or not. I will show you 4 ways to check if a number is Armstrong or not in C programming language.
ReadPython introduction to yield. yield keyword is used to return some value from a function in Python. Learn about yield and difference between return yield.
ReadPython program to get the class name in two different ways. We can use this method to print the class names in log files and this becomes easy to debug log files.
ReadPython program to convert a decimal value to hexadecimal. We will learn 4 different ways to convert a decimal value to hexadecimal like by using a separate method, by using a recursive method, by using hex() etc.
ReadPython program to convert a datetime object to epoch. We will learn 4 different ways to do the conversion of datetime to epoch.
ReadJava sunny number program. This program will check if a user given number is a sunny number or not and how to print sunny numbers in a range.
ReadJava spy number program. This java program will take one number as input from the user and it will check if that number is a spy number or not.
ReadJava Math.random() method explanation with examples. Learn to generate random numbers and random numbers in range by using the random() method.