Java Arrays sort method is used to sort the contents of an array in a given order in a given range. This post will show you how to use Arrays.sort method with examples.
ReadLearn how to use Java Arrays hashCode method with different examples. hashCode method is used to get the hash code of an array in Java. It returns the hash code based on the array contents.
ReadPython string rstrip method is used to delete trailing whitespaces or any other trailing characters from a string. This post will show you how to use rstrip method with examples.
ReadPython string lstrip method is used to delete leading whitespaces or any other leading characters from a string. This post will show you how to use lstrip method with examples.
ReadPython program to convert a hexadecimal or hex value to decimal. We will learn two different ways to convert a hexadecimal number to decimal in this post.
ReadPython program to find the average value of 10 different numbers. We will learn 4 different ways to find the average of numbers in Python.
ReadLearn how to delete all files in a folder older than n days using Python. We will learn two different ways to do this.
ReadJava Program to check if a number is magic number or not. This program will take one user input number and print one message that it is a magic number or not.
ReadJava Arrays toString method explanation with examples. Arrays toString method can be used to convert an array to a string. Learn how to use toString method with different examples.
ReadJava Arrays fill method explanation with examples. Arrays fill method can be used to fill an array with some specific value. This post will show you how to use fill with different examples.