
Python numpy square method explanation with examples

Python numpy square method explanation with examples. square method is used to find the squares of each element in an array. This post will show you how to use square method with examples.


2 ways to check if a number is Pronic number or not in Python

Python program to check if a number is Pronic number or not. We will write a program that will take a number as input from the user and print one message if it is a Pronic number or not.


Python program to check if a number is a disarium number or not

Python program to check if a number is disarium number or not. We will learn two different ways to check if a user-input number is Disarium.


Java ArrayList addAll method explanation with examples

Java ArrayList addAll method explanation with different examples. Learn the definition of addAll with different examples. addAll can be used to add multiple elements to an ArrayList in Java.


3 ways to create platform-specific designs in React Native

Learn how to create platform-specific designs in React Native in 3 different ways. This post will show you how to create platform-specific designs with examples.


How to use try without catch in Java

How to use try without catch in Java. We can use try without a catch or finally block in Java. Let's learn it with an example.


Java program to swap two numbers without using a third number

Java program to swap two numbers without using a third number. We can swap two numbers if we have a third number, but how can we swap two numbers without using a third number?


Java program to remove all non-ASCII characters from a string

Java program to remove all characters that are non-ASCII. We will learn three different ways in Java to remove all characters from a string which are not ASCII.


How to get the value of an input field in React.js

How to get the value of an input field in Reactjs using hook and without using hook. Input fields are used to get text inputs from the user. Learn how to get the inputs by using hook and without using hook.


Java program to find the sum of digits of a number until a single digit is found

Java program to find the sum of digits in a number until a single digit is found. We will learn two different ways to do that in Java.
