11 differences between Python 2 vs Python 3 with examples. Python 2 was discontinued in 2020 and Python 3 is the currently supported version. This post will show you the differences between Python 2 and Python 3.
ReadJava String toLowerCase and toUpperCase methods explanation with examples. toLowerCase method is used to convert all characters of a string to lowercase and toUpperCase method is used to convert all characters to uppercase in Java.
ReadC program to delete an element from an Array. This post will show you how to delete an element from an array by using a separate method or without using a separate method.
ReadC program to reverse a number recursively. We will learn 4 different ways to reverse a positive and negative number in C programming.
ReadJava program to check if a number is Armstrong or not in 2 different ways. The program will take a number as input from the user and print if the number is Armstrong or not.
ReadKeywords in C explanation with examples. Learn what are keywords, restrictions on keywords, list of keywords and how to use keywords with an example.
ReadPython dictionary pop method explanation with examples. We will learn the definition of python dictionary pop method and different examples to use it.
ReadPython dictionary fromkeys method explanation with examples. fromkeys method is used to create a new dictionary from a sequence of elements.
ReadPython program to merge a dictionary to tuple. We will learn to do this in two different ways, by converting the tuple to a list and by using the + operator.
ReadC++ program to check if a number is even or odd. We will learn two different ways in C++ that checks if a number is even or odd by using user input number.