
Java program to find the largest and smallest of n user input numbers

Java program to find the largest and smallest of n user input numbers. We will learn how to write this program in Java by using an ArrayList and without using an ArrayList.


Java vector addAll method explanation with example

Java vector addAll method is used to append all items of a collection to a vector. This post will show you how to use the addAll method with examples.


Java program to find the largest and smallest of three numbers

Java program to find the largest and smallest of three numbers in three different ways. We will use if..else-if..else statements, separate variables and separate list to write this program in Java.


3 ways in Python to find the middle n list elements

Learn to find the n middle list elements in Python in 3 different ways. We will learn how to do it by using a loop, by using list slicing and by using user input values in this post.


C++ program to convert a decimal value to octal

C++ program to convert a decimal value to octal. We will learn two different ways to solve this problem, by using a for loop and by using a while loop to convert a user given decimal value to octal.


C++ program to implement linear search

C++ program to implement linear search or sequential search. This program will show you how linear search works and how to implement it in C++ with examples.


2 different C++ programs to implement selection sort

C++ program to implement selection sort. This post will show you how to implement selection sort in ascending and descending order with examples for each.


2 ways in Python to convert temperature in Celsius to Fahrenheit

Python program to convert temperature in celsius to Fahrenheit with user input values. We will learn how to write this program by using a separate method and without using a separate method.


4 different Python programs to check if a number is a perfect number

Python program to check if a number is a perfect number or not in 4 different ways. The program will take one number as input from the user and check if it is a perfect number or not.


C program to print an alphabet triangle with user-input height

C program to print an alphabet triangle or triangle of alphabet with user-input height. We will learn two ways to write this program, by using for loops and by using while loops in C.
