Python program to convert a string to a sequence of byte or encoding a string. We will convert a string to utf-8 and ascii in this post.
ReadKotlin program to print a multiplication table. The program will take a number as input from the user and print a multiplication table for the number.
ReadC++ program to pass structures to a function. We will create two different structures and pass them to a function.
ReadLearn how to use modules in typescript with examples. Modules are used to organize the code in typescript.
ReadPython string expandtabs method can be used to replace tabs in a string to whitespaces. It can optionally take the whitespaces count.
ReadPython program to convert a string to list of characters. This program will take one string as input and convert it to a list.
ReadC++ isalpha method can be used to check if the character is alphabetic or not. This example will show how to use isalpha.
ReadPython program to multiply two floating point numbers using a function. We will write one python program that will take two numbers as input and print the multiplication of both numbers using a function.
ReadC++ program on isxdigit method with example. isxdigit is used to check if a character is hexadecimal or not. It is defined in cctype header.
ReadChange the size of a flutter floating action button. Flutter floating action button class provides a property called mini that can be used to change it to a mini size.