C# program to find the sum of all even numbers below a given number. This post will show how to find the sum with different examples.
Read4 ways in JavaScript to find the sum of all even numbers smaller than another number. We will use a for loop, while loop, do...while loop and by jumping between the numbers.
ReadPython program to remove all special characters from a string. This blog post will show you how to remove all special characters from a user given string in python.
ReadPython string index method is used to find the index of the first occurrence of a given string. This post will show you how to use index method with example.
ReadLearn how to convert a negative number to positive in Java. We will learn two different ways to do the conversion in Java. We can multiply the number by -1 or we can use the Math.abs() method.
ReadHow to get the epoch timestamp in Java. This post will show you number of milliseconds and seconds passed since epoch.
ReadPython program to check if a string characters are ASCII. Python string provides isascii method to check that starting python 3.7
ReadPython string provides isalnum method to check if a string is alphanumeric or not. This post will show you how to to use it with example.
ReadLearn how to copy a string in python with example. We will learn three different ways to copy a string.
ReadPython string join() method explanation with examples. join() method can be used to concatenate all strings of an iterable.