Java program to convert a character to string in different ways. We will learn two different ways to convert a character to a string in Java.
ReadJava program to convert comma separated strings to an ArrayList. This post will show you three different methods to convert comma separated strings to an ArrayList in Java.
ReadJava program to iterate over the hashset items in three different ways. We will use an iterator, for loop and forEach to do that.
ReadC# program to find the maximum occurring character in a string. This program will take the string as input from the user and find the maximum occurring character it finds.
ReadC# program to read float inputs. We need to convert the entered value to float and we can do that in different ways in C#.
ReadC# program to find the area of a triangle. This program will take the base and height as inputs from the user and print the area of the triangle.
ReadC# program to check if a character is in a string or not. We can use the Contains method of the string class for that.
ReadIn this tutorial, I will show you how to get the directory name of a given path in python with examples.
ReadJava program to remove specific items or all items from a HashSet. Learn it with different examples.
ReadJava program to add items to a HashSet. We will use the add method of HashSet to add new items to a HashSet.