Python dictionary popitem method can be used to remove the last inserted value in a dictionary. This program will show you how to use popitem with an example.
ReadLearn how to use python dictionary setdefault() method with example. setdefault is used to set a value to a specific key in python dictionary.
ReadPython program to check if a string holds binary content or not. Learn two different ways to solve it in python.
ReadA code is given as a string. Learn how to execute it in python. We will use exec method to execute that piece of code.
ReadC++ program to find the sum of digits of a number until a single digit is obtained. This post will show you two ways to solve it.
ReadLean how to find the triangle area in C#. This post will show you two different ways to find the C# triangle area.
ReadJavaScript program to check if a number is power of another number. We will learn how to solve it by using a for loop and by using a while loop.
ReadLearn how to reverse a number in JavaScript. We will learn three different ways to reverse a number using JavaScript in this post.
ReadLearn how to find the volume of a sphere in JavaScript with HTML and JavaScript. The program will take the radius as input from the user and calculate the sphere volume.
ReadLearn how to change the text color of any component in JavaScript. This program will change the color of a paragraph component on button click events.