Python program to iterate over a tuple using a for loop. We will learn different ways to iterate over a tuple.
ReadPython program to find the average of all numbers in an alphanumeric string. The program will take one string as input from the user and print out the average value.
ReadPython program to calculate the average sum of all digits of a number. It will ask the user to enter a number and print the average sum of all digits.
ReadPython program to convert centimeter to inches. This python program will take the distance in centimeter from the user and print it in inches.
ReadPython program to write a bank account class with withdraw/deposit features like check current balance, withdraw money and deposit money. It will work with user input values.
ReadPython program to find the power of a number recursively. Recursive function calls itself repeatedly to get the power of a given number.
ReadJava program to find the perimeter of a circle. We will learn two ways to find the circle perimeter in Java.
ReadC program tutorial to check if a string is empty or not. We will learn two different ways to check if a string is empty in C programming.
ReadHow to remove the last character of a string in python. We will learn two different ways to do that. By using rstrip and by using negative index slicing.
ReadC++ program to compare two strings ignoring cases. We will learn three different ways to compare two strings in C++ ignoring character cases.