How to use ternary operator in C++ with example. Ternary operator is similar to if-else statement but we can use it to write a condition in one line.
Readstd::reverse() method of C++ is used to reverse the order of elements in a given range. This post will show you how to use std::reverse() with examples
ReadHow to find the square root of a number in C++ using sqrt method in C++. Find the square root of all numbers from 1 to 100.
ReadHow to find the cube of a number using Macros in C++. This program will take one user given number and find the cube of that number using macros.
ReadC# program to check if a number is armstrong or not. It will take one number and print if it is armstrong or not.
ReadC# program to print yesterday's date. DateTime struct provides the current day and also we can use it to get yesterday's date.
ReadC# program to print tomorrow's datetime. DateTime struct provides the current day as Today. We can add days by using AddDays method.
ReadHow to convert a double to integer in C#. This program will use the Convert class to do the conversion of double to integer.
ReadHow to get the DateTime for the start of the week in C#. Learn how to do this in different timezones.
ReadC program to read an unsigned integer value using scanf. The program will read the user input value and store it in an unsigned integer.