C# program example of string.ToLower method. ToLower method is used to convert a string to lowercase. Let's learn it with an example.
ReadC# program to remove the last n characters from a string. Learn to do it by using Remove and by using Substring methods.
ReadC# program to remove the first n characters from a string. We will learn two different ways to do that in C#.
ReadC program to get the integer and fraction or decimal parts from a given floating-point number in C. We will learn how to do that by casting the number to integer and by using modf.
ReadC program to convert a decimal number to binary. This post will show how to do the conversion by using an array and by using pointers.
Read4 different C++ programs to print all odd numbers from 1 to 100. We will learn how to do that by using a for loop, while loop, do...while loop and by jumping between the numbers.
ReadPython numpy empty_like method example. empty_like method returns a new array with same shape and type as the given array.
ReadPython numpy interp method example to calculate one-dimensional piecewise linear interpolant and learn how to plot data on graph.
ReadC++ program to implement bubble sort. Bubble sort is a sorting algorithm we can use to sort a list. It is a comparison algorithm to sort items.
ReadHow to create an array of objects in TypeScript. Learn 5 different examples of array object creation in TypeScript