How to convert binary to decimal in C++. Learn how to write a function to convert binary values to decimal and how to use predefined functions.
ReadLearn different ways to convert ASCII to character in C++ and how to print A to Z using ASCII values in C++.
ReadHow to add characters at the end of a string in C++. We will use push_back function to add a character to the end of a string. Learn how to use push_back with example.
ReadC program to print all perfect numbers in a given range. Learn what is a perfect number and different ways to print all perfect numbers in a range.
ReadJavaScript string search method explanation with example. search() method is used to search for a string using a pattern in JavaScript.
ReadJavaScript program to find the base64 value of a string. Learn how to use btoa and atob methods of JavaScript.
ReadJavaScript program to find the ASCII value of a character. We will use charCodeAt and codePointAt methods to find the ASCII values.
ReadJavaScript program to convert date to number. Date class provides a method called getTime and we can use this method to convert a date to a number.
ReadHow to check if a date is older than one month or 30 days in JavaScript. We can use the getTime method to find the time and compare two date objects.
ReadJava program to convert decimal to binary format for floating-point and double values. Learn the algorithm and java program for decimal to binary conversion.