C program to print the name of a user using an array. We will learn different ways to print the content of an array in this post.
ReadC program to multiply two numbers using plus or addition operator. The program will take the numbers as inputs from the user and print out the multiplication result.
ReadC program to find the income tax of an employee. This program will use some predefined tax rules and find out the income tax on the basic salary of an employee.
ReadC program to print a two digit number to word. This program will read the number as input from the user and print it in word. It will work from 10 to 99.
ReadC++ iswupper method explanation with example. iswupper is defined in cwtype.h header file and we can use it to check if a character is in uppercase or not in C++.
ReadC++ iswlower method explanation with example. iswlower is defined in cwtype.h header file and we can use it to check if a character is in lowercase or not in C++.
ReadC++ fill_n() function explanation with examples. fill_n() is defined in the algorithm header. Learn how to use it in C++.
ReadPython program to find the exponential value of a number. We will learn 4 different ways to find the exponential in Python with examples.
ReadPython program to read the content of a file to a list. The file holds comma-separated strings and the program will read the strings and put them in a list.
ReadPython program to multiply the items in two lists. We will learn 4 different ways to do this including python methods and numpy.