C++ program STL accumulate method explanation with examples. The accumulate method is used to get a result by accumulating all values in a given range.
ReadC++ program to convert a hexadecimal value to binary. It will take a hexadecimal value as an input from the user, convert it to binary and print that result.
ReadJava Math signum function explanation with example. The signum function is used to get the signum function of the argument. It is a static function and this program will show you how to use it with example.
ReadJava Math copySign method explanation with example. copySign method is used to copy the sign of one parameter to another parameter in Java. This post will show you how to use copySign method with examples.
ReadC++ isdigit() function explanation with example. isdigit() function is used to check if a given character is a decimal digit or not. In this post, we will learn how to use it with examples.
ReadC++ program to calculate the discounted price with discount. This program will take the original price as an input from the user and based on a discount table, it will print the discounted price and the discount.
ReadPython numpy floor_divide method explanation with examples. floor_divide method returns the largest integer value that is smaller or equal to the division of the input items.
ReadLearn how to use Python string partition method with examples. The partition method takes a string as the separator and it splits the string at this separator.
ReadPython string isnumeric method is used to check if all characters of a string are numeric or not. This post will show you how to use isnumeric with examples.
ReadLearn the differences between Promise.all and Promise.allSettled in JavaScript. This post will show you the differences with example programs.