C# program to print the Fibonacci series in 4 different ways. We will print it by using a for loop, by using a separate method, by using a while loop and with a recursive method.
ReadC# program to find the sum and average of user input numbers in 3 different ways. Take the numbers as user input and find the sum, average by using a separate method or separate class.
ReadC# program to print the name and age of a user. It will take the name and age values as inputs from the user and print it on the console. We will use a separate method and a class to save these values.
ReadC# program to find the result of the division of two numbers. This program will show you how to find the division with user-input values and how to find the quotient and remainders of a division.
ReadC# program to convert a binary value to decimal. We will learn three different ways to do the conversion. By using a loop, recursively and by using Convert.ToInt32 method.
ReadC# program to convert a decimal value to binary in 4 different ways, by using an array, by using a StringBuilder object, recursively and by using Convert.ToString method.
ReadPython program to print the harmonic series. We will learn three different ways to print the harmonic series. The program will print the value as number or as string.
ReadJava program to print the harmonic series. We will learn three different ways to print this series. The program will print the value as number or as string.
ReadJava program to check if two strings are anagram or not. The program will take two strings as the inputs and return one boolean value if the strings are anagram or not.
ReadJava program to find the first repeating character of a string. We will learn two ways to do it, by using a for loop and by using a hashset.