Python math fabs() method explanation with example. Learn the parameter and return value of fabs with different examples.
ReadC++ program to find the exponent without using pow() method. This post will show you 3 ways, by using for loops, with while loops and recursively.
ReadC++ program to solve a quadratic equation in different ways. We will learn how to find the roots by using a separate method with user input values.
ReadC++ program to sort an array in ascending order. We will learn how to write it by using for loops and by using STL sort method.
ReadC++ program to find the electricity bill for user given unit value. We will learn three ways, by using a separate function and by using a separate class.
ReadDifferent ways in Java to print an inverted right-angled triangle. We will use for loops, while loops, using any character and with a separate method.
ReadDifferent ways in Java to print a right-angled triangle. Learn how to print it by using for loops, while loops, with any character and by using a separate method.
ReadDifferent ways in Java to print a Fibonacci triangle. Learn how to print a Fibonacci triangle by using a for loop, while loop and with a separate method.
ReadC# program to print a diamond pattern. This program will take the height of the pattern as input from the user and print the pattern.
ReadC# example programs to print a cross pattern in different ways. Learn how to print a cross pattern with star and for loop or while loop in C#.