Learn how to swap two numbers in Kotlin in different ways. We will learn how to swap the numbers by using a third variable, without using a third variable, using also, with and apply scope functions.
ReadLearn how to print an integer entered by the user in Kotlin. We will learn 4 ways to do that, by using the Scanner class, by using the readLine method, with readln method and by using readlnOrNull method.
ReadLearn how to print Hello World in Kotlin. We will learn how to create a project, how to create Kotlin files and how to run a program that print Hello World in Kotlin.
ReadLearn how to check if a year is a leap year or not in Kotlin in two different ways. We will learn how to check for leap year by using a if-else block and by using when block in Kotlin.
Read4 different Kotlin programs to add two numbers. We will learn examples with predefined values, with user inputs, with floating point numbers and how to add N numbers.
ReadC program to find all prime numbers in a range. We will learn 3 different ways to find all prime numbers in a given range of 1 to N.
ReadC program to check if a number is prime or not in 4 different ways. The program will take one number as input from the user and print if it is a prime number or not.
ReadC program to print a triangle of prime numbers. This program will take the height of the triangle as input from the user and print it out. We will learn how to use for loops and while loops to print the triangle.
ReadC program to find the volume and surface area of a cylinder in two different ways. The program will take the radius and height of the cylinder as inputs from the user and calculate the volume and surface area of that cylinder.
ReadC program to print a butterfly pattern in two different ways. The program will take the height of the pattern as input from the user and it will print it using star or any other character.