C++ program to convert pounds to kilogram:
Let’s write a program that will convert a value in pounds to kilogram in C++. This is a beginner-level program and you will learn basic C++ operations like reading user inputs, mathematical calculations and writing output to the console in C++.
This program will take the pounds as input from the user, convert it to kilogram and print it out.
Pounds to kilogram formula:
One pound is equal to 0.45359237 kilograms i.e.
1 lb = 0.45359237 kg
So, if we have the weight in pounds, we can multiply it with 0.45359237 to get it in kilograms.
The program will:
- Read the pounds value and assign it to a float variable.
- Multiply it with 0.45359237 to find the weight in kg.
- Print the calculated kg weight.
C++ program to convert pounds to kilograms:
Let’s write down a program to convert a pound value to kilogram:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
float poundToKg = 0.45359237;
float pound, kg;
cout << "Enter the weight in pound: " << endl;
cin >> pound;
kg = poundToKg * pound;
cout << pound << " lb = " << kg << " kg" << endl;
- The floating point variable poundToKg is the constant value of one pound in Kg.
- We have created two more floating point variables pound and kg to hold the pound and kg weights.
- It asks the user to enter the weight in pounds. It uses cin to assign the user-input weight to the pound variable.
- The pound value is multiplied by the poundToKg variable to find the weight in kg. This value is assigned to the kg variable.
- The last line is printing the calculated weight in kg and the user-input weight in pound.
If you run this program, it will print the output as below:
Enter the weight in pound:
5 lb = 2.26796 kg
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