C program to check if a number is a Kaprekar number or not

C program to check if a number is a Kaprekar number or not:

In this C programming tutorial, we will learn how to check if a number is a Kaprekar number or not. The program will take a number as an input from the user and print if it is a Kaprekar number or not.

We will learn what is a Kaprekar number, how to check if a number is a Kaprekar number or not using C.

Kaprekar number:

To check if a number is a Kaprekar number or not, we have to follow the below steps:

  • Find the square of the number.
  • Divide the number into two parts.
  • If the sum of these two parts is equal to the number itself, it is called a Kaprekar number.

For example, 2223 is a Kaprekar number. The square value of this number is 2223 * 2223 = 4941729. If we divide 4941729 into two parts 494 and 1729, the sum of these two numbers is 2223, i.e. the number itself.

Algorithm to check if a number is Kaprekar number or not:

We can follow the below algorithm to check if a number is Kaprekar or not:

  • Take the number as input from the user.
  • Find the square of the number.
  • Find the total number of digits in the square value.
  • By using a loop, break the square value into two parts and find the sum of these two parts.
  • If the sum is equal to the number, it is a Kaprekar number. Else, it is not.

C program:

Below is the complete C program:

#include <stdio.h>

int square(int n)
    return n * n;

int getDigitsCount(int n)
    int digits = 0;

    while (n)
        n /= 10;
    return digits;

int getTenthPow(int pow)
    int p = 1;
    while (pow--)
        p *= 10;
    return p;

int isKaprekar(int n)
    int s = square(n);
    int digitsCount = getDigitsCount(s);
    int sum;

    if (n == 1)
        return 1;

    for (int i = 1; i < digitsCount; i++)
        int tenthPow = getTenthPow(i);

        if (s % tenthPow == 0)

        sum = (s / tenthPow) + (s % tenthPow);

        if (sum == n)
            return 1;
    return 0;

int main()
    int no;
    printf("Enter a number: ");
    scanf("%d", &no);
    if (isKaprekar(no))
        printf("%d is a Kaprekar number\n", no);
        printf("%d is not a Kaprekar number\n", no);
    return 0;


  • isKaprekar method is used to check if a number is Kaprekar or not.
  • It takes a number as the parameter and returns 1 or 0.
    • It finds the square of the number and total digits in the square value first.
    • If the number is 1, it returns 1 because 1 is a Kaprekar number.
    • By using the for loop, it divides the number in two parts and finds the sum of the parts. If the sum is equal to the number itself, it returns 1.
    • Else, it returns 0 once the loop completes.

Sample output:

It will print output as like below:

Enter a number: 2728
2728 is a Kaprekar number

Enter a number: 332
332 is not a Kaprekar number

Enter a number: 703
703 is a Kaprekar number

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